10 ways to keep your trucks fuel efficient

Estimated reading time 4 minutes 23 seconds

Hauling a big rig burns more fuel than you think. That’s in addition to the initial expense of filling the tank.

The more you spend on fuel, the more it costs to transport goods, the more it cuts into profits, the more your customers are charged, and the less happy they are.

Besides, it’s always a good idea to keep costs at a minimum and reduce waste.

Although you can’t avoid fueling your trucks, there are ways to reduce costs.

Ten tips for getting more gas mileage for your trucks:

Faster isn’t better

Sitting for hours on the road can seem endless. However, speeding doesn’t decrease your trip time much. It may seem to increase your performance on logistics, but it doesn’t. The difference between every ten mph decreases as your speed increases. Going from 80 to 90 mph will only save you five minutes, and going from 40 to 50 mph will save you nineteen minutes.

Not only doesn’t it save you time, but speeding also burns more gas. You don’t get to your destination quicker and burn extra fuel. Save on gas and slow down.

Lay off the brakes

Instead, use brakes appropriately. Aggressive driving burns excess fuel when you step on the gas and immediately break on congested roads. Every time you give more gas, you burn more fuel.

A practical alternative to breaking and stopping would be to avoid a safe distance from the vehicle ahead of you. This will allow you ample time to slow down should you need to.Idling for a few minutes burns more fuel than turning on the engine. Not only does idling waste fuel, but it also adds to the wear and tear of the vehicle’s engine.

Keep your LTL freight truck in shape

For optimal performance, LTL shippers and trucks need to be in top shape. Any misalignment, clogged filters, or defective sensors will cost wasted fuel. Additionally, it is important to remember your oil change and preferably synthetic oil. Pushing off an oil change isn’t a wise business decision, even for another run.

One way to keep your vehicle in perfect condition is by implementing ongoing maintenance on all your trucks.

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Distribution Centers And Supply Chain

Estimated reading time 2 minutes and 3 seconds

We live in a world of instant gratification. Everything happens in a minute, and people have lost all their patience. When ordering something online, we expect our packages to arrive within a few days. Online retailers that can’t keep up with those demands fall behind their competitors.

How do businesses keep up with efficient shipping quotas?

The more online shopping takes center stage in the retail industry, the higher the demand for distribution warehouse services is—warehouse and distribution centers aid in bringing customers their products as quickly as possible. By 2025, distribution centers will make up a whopping one billion square feet of industrial space.

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Keep Trucks Clean

Estimated reading time 2 minutes and 3 seconds

Steering your Freightliner CASCADIA along the interstate, eyes intently concentrating past the windshield, there’s much for you to focus on. You’re conscious of the routes ahead, impending traffic, and weather reports. Your main concern is arriving at your destination safely and punctually. Through all this execution, you inevitably splash into a mud puddle. Brown blobs are currently on your drayage trucking exterior, reflecting its interior, where Coca-Cola cans, paper bags, and broken wires inhabit your cab. You dislike expanding your already heavy workload, so don’t hurry to clean it.

Why is it important to keep your trucks clean?

A dirty truck used for logistics trucking, LTL freight, or any other reason leads to discredits, dangers, and drawbacks for you and your company.

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The Rise Of Ai In The Shipping Industry

Estimated reading time 5 minutes and 42 seconds

In terms of global trade, the shipping industry is one of the most critical industries. It has a vast network of ships transporting goods from one place to another. One challenge is the need for more skilled workers. Another is improving efficiency and reducing costs.

The shipping industry is looking at new technologies like AI to address these challenges. This is why they use artificial intelligence (AI) to improve efficiency, reduce costs and increase employee productivity.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a broad term for machines that mimic human intelligence. More specifically, it refers to computer systems capable of performing tasks normally requiring human intelligence when applied correctly by humans (e.g., visual perception, speech recognition).

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ltl shippers


Estimated reading time: 4 minutes 25 seconds

Less than a truckload is when you need to ship products but need more to fill an entire truck.

You can wait to fill a whole truck for an undetermined amount of time, and at that point, who said your product will still sell?

Or you can pay for an entire trailer when you’re using only a small portion of the truck.

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